Our Vision to Strengthen Idaho…

“Where there is no vision, the people perish.”  Prov. 29:18

No single person, group, or party has all the answers to sustain a healthy, thriving state or country. However, members of the Idaho Freedom Caucus believe that a clear vision, grounded in truth and guided by example, is essential for human flourishing. 

The Idaho Freedom Caucus is proud to present a vision for Idaho that prioritizes and upholds values rooted in human dignity, Christian principles, family priorities, individual God given rights, and American ideals. We believe these proven values, once the cornerstone of Western Civilization, are gradually being forgotten.

Historically, Republicans often found themselves on the defensive, primarily focused on safeguarding individualism by resisting the progressive agenda of the far left. In contrast, Democrats typically take the offensive, masking their anti-human, anti-Christian, and anti-American vision with terms like “human rights,” “diversity,” “equity,” and “inclusion.”  

The result?

The progressive left is winning the culture war by dominating the arts, music, and entertainment industries. They’ve infused our government infrastructure with political correctness and wokeness. And sadly, they’ve captured our children through confusion and indoctrination in centers we call public schools and colleges. 

We’re convinced these wins are due to conservatives not recognizing the seriousness of the threat and lacking both a clear vision and a plan to achieve it. In contrast, the left has a well-defined vision of their future goals and they’re willing to do whatever it takes to achieve them.

Conservatives must do more than REACT to the regressive vision of the left.

We must present a positive vision to move our nation and state forward based on preservation of freedoms and traditional Western values.

Reclaiming Idaho’s Sovereignty and Liberty: A Vision Rooted in Constitutional Principles and Christian Values

The Idaho Freedom Caucus envisions a sovereign Idaho that fiercely protects individual liberties and promotes innovation by limiting federal overreach and government expansion. Grounded in the Idaho Constitution, our vision ensures that Idaho’s natural resources benefit its citizens first, that individual rights are safeguarded, and that true innovation flourishes through free markets and the decentralization and checks and balances on government.

We advocate for dual federalism, where the federal government is restricted to its constitutional roles, and Idaho is neither dependent on federal grants nor subjected to unconstitutional federal regulations. This vision also emphasizes reclaiming federal lands in Idaho, employing the Tenth Amendment to protect our state, and advancing freedom by upholding constitutionally protected rights. 

Rooted in Christian principles, we promote the inherent dignity of all individuals while rejecting secular humanism, collectivism, and divisive ideologies.

Empowering Idaho’s Future by Building Local Economies, Fostering Innovation, and Advancing Competitive Education

The Idaho Freedom Caucus believes in limited government and unlimited innovation, understanding that preventing unchecked government expansion and bureaucracy is essential for fostering true human progress and growth. 

By promoting private market solutions and decentralization, we will reduce government interference, eliminate burdensome regulations, and curb the expansion of bureaucracy. This approach will enable local communities and economies to thrive, encouraging financial freedom and the development of close-to-community goods and services that meet regional needs. This will also result in lower taxes. 

Our vision supports a localist economy by reducing reliance on consumerism, strengthening supply chains, and advocating for sound monetary practices, including a resource-based currency, the establishment of a sovereign state bank and promotion of small locally owned banking institutions.

In education, we emphasize the protection of homeschooling and choice, the pursuit of competitive standards, and the diversification of educational channels to drive true innovation and effectiveness.

Strengthening Idaho’s Future: Upholding Traditional Family Values, Virtuous Leadership, and Cultural Beauty

The Idaho Freedom Caucus believes in fostering virtuous and responsible leadership that swiftly addresses issues while limiting government excess. Citizenship should be meaningful, fostering a strong sense of community and encouraging service toward those less fortunate.

At the heart of a healthy society are traditional family values, with policies that support and protect families, encouraging children to thrive. We affirm that society’s success hinges on monogamous, committed marriages between a man and a woman who are willing to have children. A committed dad and mom are vital for raising children with sound moral values and ensuring societal well-being.

In education, we reject the status quo of the failed monopoly of government-run schools that stifle innovation and promote mediocrity. Instead, we support schooling and policies that strive for excellence tailored to each individual student. Our legislative proposals will be rooted in Christian values, rejecting secular humanism and all forms of its supremacy.

Additionally, we will reclaim arts and culture by promoting wholesome, community-focused programs that highlight local talent and reflect positive values, rather than globalist agendas and victimhood. This vision is centered on enhancing parental rights, promoting personal virtue, and revitalizing Idaho’s cultural and educational landscape.

We’d love for you or your organization to join the Idaho Freedom Caucus legislators in this venture. Your ideas, strategies, and input are much needed.

Please send us your legislative ideas so we can discuss and incorporate them into our legislative plan.